Tots Units Fem Força
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Chapter Five

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Chapter Five Empty Chapter Five

Post by Admin Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:25 pm


Xavi jogged up the stadium steps, chewing on his lip nervously. The day before he'd sent them both jerseys with his number and name on them, and hoped they'd worn them to the game.

At last he spotted them, and slowed down to a walk, controlling his breathing carefully. His girlfriend. He liked the possessiveness of it, though he rarely cared for such things. In his relationship with Elsa he'd never felt the need to stake his claim, so to speak. But everything was different with Aina. He wondered if that was what a relationship was supposed to be like.

“Xavi!” the boy exclaimed upon seeing him, bounding over for a hug. Laughing, he swept the boy up and spun him around.

Aina stood, grabbing her bag. “Good game,” she smiled. He grinned, and leaned down for a quick kiss. Every time he still felt the spark, and loved every second of it. “Are we going out for dinner?” Andreu asked excitedly. “Of course…where do you want to go?” he responded. A swift glance at Aina told him that’d been the correct response, as she looked at him in awe. After the young boy made his choice, they headed out.

As they walked, Andreu skipping ahead of them, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I love seeing you in my jersey.”

She blushed, just as she would, and looked away shyly.

However, as they came to a stop, she leaned up and whispered back, “And I like seeing you out of it.” He felt shivers race up his spine as she flashed a coy smile at him. She was still blushing, but he felt like she’d won that round. He also felt like it was her admitting her feelings a bit more clearly, or at least an admission that she found him attractive.

Feeling a lot happier, he grabbed her hand tightly, and together they walked along toward the restaurant, Andreu in tow, happily smiling.


His lunch date with Luci had been an absolute disaster, but he had enjoyed it nonetheless.

The pair arrived at the restaurant, which was a rather classy Brazilian restaurant. Once seated, Dani smiled at her brightly, "So, tell me about yourself."

"Well, I was raised in Canada, but I was originally from Brazil - I was adopted as a baby. I took Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish in high school. I fell in love with cooking and food at a young age, as well as the desire to travel the world. So I decided why not go somewhere I loved to do what I loved? Barcelona presented itself to me, and I came," she said.

Their food arrived, and they both ate in a comfortable silence.

Things were going well until suddenly his companion let out a piercing scream, and flew from her seat. She was pointing at the table, on which was a small spider. The innocent insect traveled slowly across the white tablecloth, harmless.

Dani chuckled, "It's not going to kill you!"

A woman at the adjacent table turned in her seat, "Would you mind controlling her? She is ruining my lunch."

Before Dani could refute the words, Luciana was speaking. "Well excuse me for having a mortal fear of spiders. The next time I see one, I'll be sure to kill it!" With that she took her plate, and smashed it several times into the table, effectively smooshing the little bug.

They had been asked to leave the restaurant, much to Luci's embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry - I'm not normally like that!" she said as they walked into the nearby park. He laughed, "Don't worry about it - spiders can be pretty scary, though not normally the small ones like that." She pouted as he snickered.

She began to hum, which turned into soft words, "Walking through the park, with a footballer~"

He simply chuckled. Things with her were never boring.

Shorter chapter, sorry. But full of Dani swag~

Posts : 96
Join date : 2011-10-15
Age : 30
Location : Camp Nou

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